Translate football tips into your language

2017 Update – Since browsers like Chrome support translation much better now we have removed this feature from the site.

Unlike most websites we don’t want to force you into reading everything in English if you are more comfortable reading in another language. This is why for a long time now we have had the ability to translate our football tips into several languages.

I wanted to write a quick blog post explaining how to do this in case you were wondering.

First, let me show you are before and after screenshot, so you can see the difference it makes.

Here is a recent set of football tips

Here is a recent set of football tips

And here are the above tips, in Chinese;

The same football tips in Chinese.

The same football tips in Chinese.

If you speak Chinese I am sure you will find this way easier to read!

On every content page on the right hand side you will see something that looks like this;

How to translate your footy tips

How to translate your footy tips

Click on the Google Icon and you will see all the languages you can translate the website into;

All the languages you can view football tips in

All the languages you can view football tips in

Once you have translated the page you have the choice of remembering your setting so the next time you come to the site everything is translated.

I really hope this helps clear up how to use it and hopefully it makes your experience that little bit nicer :-)

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